Lefkothea- Vasiliki Andreou (GR/GB)
Interruption, pause, expectation. Ellipsis is in essence an operator of thought, it signifies the omitted verbal cues, the elusiveness of characters. It provides a halt in order for juxtaposition to work, for the relationship between parts to be reflected upon by the viewer.
“Ellipsis” aims to touch upon the subject of a hybrid (neural plus digital) form of memory and recollection in the post future imaginary. More importantly, in a technologically enriched era, human-human interaction is rendered fragmented and somewhat objectified. However, interaction may be in fact artificially augmented in a digital environment.
Subjects assume their avatar-like personalities effortlessly and appear at ease while exploring the confines of the digital medium. By mirroring reactions and maintaining eye contact, a primitive form of connection is achieved. Along these lines, the video motion detection effects are highly suggestive of algorithm training patterns of AI neurons. Notably, presence is broken by mundane tasks. An -already retro- memory of bold playfulness is stored.
“Ellipsis” debuted at the 13th ADAF (Athens, May 2017) and was also included in the Now&After International Video Art Festival, Center of Creative Industries Fabrika (Moscow, Russia, 2019).
Duration: 3’17”
Lefkothea- Vasiliki Andreou
Dr.Lefkothea-Vasiliki Andreou is a neuroscientist and a visual artist. She has taught at the School of Fine Arts, and is currently a member of staff of the Department of Biological Applications & Technology at the University of Ioannina (UoI), Greece. Her PhD is in Auditory Neuroscience (UCL, UK) and involved psychophysics and brain imaging (MEG). She holds a BSc in Biochemistry and an MSc in Biotechnology. She also has a BA in English Language and Literature. Her publications are in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters and include an array of subjects such as neuroscience, molecular biology, human-computer interaction, history and education.